Polar Ice :
Includes the Polar Bear and Penguin
versions of the cube trays.
(The glasses and the ice cubes in the
photo are not included.)
Material : Silicone resin.
Size : 6.75cm x 6.75cm x 6.1cm (each)
2 21/32" x 2 21/32" x 2 13/32" (each)
Price : 1500 JPY per set, plus shipping.
Made in JAPAN / (Stockout)
ポーラーアイス :
シロクマタイプ、ペンギンタイプ 各1個入
素材: シリコン樹脂
サイズ: 6.75cm x 6.75cm x 6.1cm (1個)
価格 : 1500円(税別)+送料(520円〜)
日本製 / (欠品中)
Number Measuring Spoon :
You'll never forget your measurements.
Set includes 15ml (1 tablespoon), 5ml (1 teaspoon),
2.5ml (1/2 teaspoon) measuring spoons
Material : Methacrylate Resin.
Size : 4cm x 12cm x 2.6cm (set)
Price : 1000 JPY per set, plus shipping.
Caution : The package and instructions are
in Japanese only.
Made in JAPAN
ナンバーメジャー :
15ml, 5ml, 2.5mlの計量スプーンセット
素材 : メタクリル樹脂
サイズ : 4cm x 12cm x 2.6cm (1組)
価格 : 1000円(税別)+送料(520円〜)
Spout Funnel :
This water-spout shaped funnel can double
as a drain stand when you wash your bottle.
(The bottle is not included.)
Material : Methacrylate Resin.
Size : 13cm x 13cm x 7.5cm
Price : 900 JPY, plus shipping.
Caution : The package and instructions are
in Japanese only.
Made in JAPAN
スパウトファンネル :
素材 : メタクリル樹脂
サイズ : 13cm x 13cm x 7.5cm
価格 : 900円(税別)+送料(520円〜)